Friday, December 28, 2012


Softly, gently
may peace come to us..........
fulfillment become us...........

may we realize who we are.............
that the hand of power,
is our hand........
that our destiny is forged from our own dreams............

and may we dream this dream together,
our diversity forgotten,
united in that place where we are all one.......

may we remember that,
we came here....
each with our own gift, 
to add to the beauty and perfection of our world.

may we rely on the wisdom and the knowing
of the perfection which we hold,
which is more ancient and more wise than the learning of any written text

and may we remember love,
unconditional and expansive,
in its expression and appreciation
and become that love.......

may we know the chance,
that we have received,
having bee given such a precious lifetime......
to experience the Divine
each of us,
first hand 

Carolyn Jackson Innate Foundation

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