Wednesday, November 5, 2014

White Queen to Black Knight

Players in the Chess Game

Some claim that  they are at the mercy
of unseen forces
playing chess with their fate
White queen to black knight..
checkmate.... you're dead....

And isn't that an easy way out?

Some claim, they have no power...
victims shoved into... the tower...
Clapped into chains...
but Prisoners only in their own brains........

And isn't that an easy way out?

And some would say...
hear me crying...
take time away from your own joy...
and join me in my dying....

And isn't that an easy way out?

They would be angered by the rejection...
of their perceived subjection...
But love does not encourage...
that entourage 
of doubt...

They would say...
how wicked...
how lacking in compassion..
that you did not listen...
to the bleating of my lamb...
as it was being slaughtered...

But, you  know...
you are NOT  that little lamb...
and the falsehood of your being  that tiny lamb will be devoured....
by the teeth of your own lion...

Its tiny bleating, ,
calls for its own dying,,
For this is a necessity to your becoming...
the lion, who within you roars....  !

And that IS...
the chess game...
that we are playing....
And your white Queen will take
your own black Knight....
But only if you let it !

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