Monday, March 11, 2013

Precious Coins of Living

Oh, yes....I too have know the the loneliness of deserted islands
lain in incomprehension,
soaked in unseen brilliant sunshine,
stood numb to the stroke and knead of loving ocean tides of motion

But, the freedom of wild birds flying, has made me laugh
the stillness of their high hovering in cloudless skies,
the daring expertise in their winged rides,
the suicidal speed of their vertical dives

And the power of the wind, has moved in my soul
like a freight train toppling matchstick trees.
Whimsical stirring of a thousand fallen leaves.
Gentle scattering of the soft down of a million seeds

Oh, the laughter and squeals of children do reach me
the joyful silliness of their playing,
the exquisite simplicity in their sense of being,
the implicit trust placed in night time praying

Oh, I have danced and sung a million songs of love, of longing
felt the power of them drawing,
cried to the sweetness of their melodic calling,
abandoned myself to passionate rhythmic drumming

And I too have known the loss and the win of spectacularly ridiculous battles,
used sarcastic words for wounding,
explored senseless ways of hurting,
felt the pain of trust, turning

And, I have felt the deepest love,
a child's soft nursing at my breast,
a lover's urgent need at its crest,
the heart of silence, in which I take my rest

Yes, I have spent many of my coins of living,
a few on wasteful bouts of mourning,
but more on the appreciation of simply living.
Gifted, the treasure of an inner knowing

Written by Carolyn Jackson Innate Foundation
Watercolor Painting by Carolyn Jackson

Can you see the beauty in I wish to see the beauty in you?

Can you see....
the beauty in me,
as I wish to see the beauty
in you ?

Can you can touch ...
the reality of me,
As I wish to touch the realness of you,
Beyond the bones, sinews, blood, and skin,
where the crystal clarity of a pool of essence lies?

Can you hear...
the sweetness of the melodies which play in me?
As I wish to hear the harmonies which flow from you ..
Beneath the sounds of laughter,
beyond all depth of conversation,
the notes of sound which lie beneath the sighing tones of breath?

Can you open the book of you...
as I wish to open the volume of me...
Removing the antiquated cover from the shining light of pages,
read and be read to,
the wordless story that is our beginnings and our middles and our endings....merged?

Can you dance...
as I wish, with all of my heart, to dance...
to the sway and whorl of unorchestrated movement,
created brevity of every precious different moment?

Can you hold....high...
the mirror for me,
with no ambivalence, but with all of the still strength of serenity,
as it is my deepest wish to see the truth of myself.
As I know the truth of you to be.

Can you see...
the beauty in me,
as I wish to see,
the beauty in you?

 written by Carolyn Jackson Innate Foundation
Watercolor  painting by Carolyn Jackson